Saturday, November 20, 2010

Friday in November

It's Finished!  Here's the quilt on our messy bed.  It's exceedingly warm due to the wool backing.

Here it is, backing side up.  I had to cut the wool piece up and rearrange it just a little bit to make it more bed shaped.  It weighs a ton.
The green velvet pants didn't quite have enough fabric so I used a little bit of a lighter green jacket for the edging.  Here are the two colors together.  I got a kick out of using the button placket from the jacket and some pockets from the pants.  All in all, I'm very pleased with the quilt.
 Then I spent my yesterday coming down with a cold and making a new batch of critters.
It looks a little creepy to stick an eye ball in a flower.
Add a little linen....

He's one of my latest owls.  Here he is in progress.  Very colorful for a dreary winter's day cheering up.

He and several other of his buddies are finished now and will be at the Confectionique Market on November 26th. 

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