Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Totally and completely finished!

I kept in a couple of pockets but cut them up for fun. 

I made sure the stitching was just on the outside of the pockets so they're still somewhat usable.  I went over the back side of the quilt with running stitch so it wouldn't have a blank space. 

Here's some gratuitous closeups.  Note the red wheels in the back ground.  That's my tree trunk table, pushed off to the side.

And yes, before you even ask, I did walk the labyrinth.  Several times.  It's a short trip.

When I turned it over I realized that the backing is upside down.  D'oh.
Nothing to do about it now except call it quirky.

I added a sleeve for a hanging rod at one end but I don't think it'll get use much.  Why would someone take up a giant hunk o' wall with this when it could be keeping you warm and toasty on your couch?

Also, check it out:

Someone else's picture of my OCD quilt up at Absolutely Art for the Habitat for Humanity ReStore benefit.  ...tee hee...


  1. Are you selling the Labyrinth quilt? If so, I'm interested. You know where to find me . . .

    1. Ah thanks. If you want a chance to get it, you need to attend Monona Library's fundraiser on Saturday night and bid on it. You might need a proxy, I don't think they have any more tickets.


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