I got an invitation/request to donate something to the ReStore Art Show/Auction next year. They asked for another doll but, since I haven't been making them lately, I offered them a quilt instead. They said yes.
I'm a little overwhelmed with the idea of making something new but I'm pretty sure I only feel that way because it's so close to Christmas right now. I don't have to start anything till afterwards. But it occurred to me today that I could just donate this older quilt.
I'm proud of it and all it really does right now is hang on a wall. Someone, somewhere might really get some use out of it. I'm pretty sure I feel that way because I'm from the Midwest and tend towards being practical even when I don't want to be. Plus, I LOVE ReStore and want to support them.
What I don't know is what how to price it. It took for freakin' ever. Whether I make a fresh quilt or not, pricing is going to be hard.
Any advice? I could really use some.
Also, here's a bonus photo of the last drawing I made in my last Figure Drawing class. Looking at it now, I can see that her neck looks crazy huge but I'm very proud of the hair. I'm trying to decide if I want to take the class again. It was really fun but not particularly practical. Again, such a Midwestern conundrum.