Thursday, September 12, 2024

Washing and Scouring Instructions

For the things you dyed:

Woohoo! Awesome job dyeing fabric, you!! I hope you had fun.

If it is wool or silk or a delicate fabric, spray it with water with about 10% vinegar in it to restore the pH.

Ideally, you will hang your newly dyed fabric up for at least 48 hours so that it has time to fully oxidize. I know it’s hard to wait that long but it’s worth the wait. 

The first time you wash your indigo dyed fabric, in addition to your regular detergent, add a half a teaspoon or so of Blue Dawn Dish Soap or Synthrapol. Wash it at the highest heat that you feel the fabric can handle. Indigo loves heat. If it’s a delicate fabric, put it in a net bag first.

But wait! What if I batiked it with the gnarly wax recipe you use? How do I get the wax out? 

Good Q. Hang it up for 48 hours if you can stand the wait. Then, I highly recommend you boil that mess out. You’ll need a pot that you won’t use for food ever again. Also, the pot should only be used with indigo as indigo tends to spread. The pot that you buy (hopefully from a thrift shop) can be cheap and awful. Aluminum is fine, enameled stuff is good too. Don’t invest lots of money into it. Also pick up a big metal spoon or set of tongs.

Okey dokey, get the water simmering just below the boil and add some Dawn Blue Dish Soap – about a teaspoon or so – and add the fabric. Agitate and stir it around in there a bit, poke it a bunch of times to help release the wax and then weigh the fabric down at the bottom of the pot or at least so it doesn’t break the surface. Holding the fabric down with the spoon that you stirred with should do it. 

Take the pot off the heat and let it cool. The wax will rise to the surface and solidify. It will take over night – maybe even longer – though luckily for me, I live in Wisconsin. If it’s winter, go ahead and put it outside. Patience is for suckers.

Remove the wax that has solidified at the top of the water and toss it (or save it to use again later*). Take your fabric out and submerge it into cold water. Some wax may appear that is just on the surface of the fabric. You can just brush those things off. Rinse with hot water. If there is still wax on it, repeat the whole process but you should be able to get the wax off after one time. It’ll depend on how much wax you used and how much fabric you boil at once. It’s best not to crowd your fabric.

*If you decide to reuse your wax, put it on some newsprint or paper towels until it is dry. Never add water to your wax, especially when it’s hot.

You should still wash it following the washing instructions above.

Enjoy your works of art!

If you have bought something that I dyed, it has already gone through the above process. Here’s how to wash it from now on:

If it’s a sturdy thing – like a napkin or dish towel – wash with like colors and dry in whichever way you would normally dry something.

If it’s delicate, put it in a mesh bag and wash – by itself or with like colors – on the most gentle cycle that your washer offers. Hang or lay flat to dry.

Preparing Fabric to dye:

Maybe you are checking in here because you have your own indigo dye and aren’t sure how to prepare your fabric before dyeing. Good idea! Just a quick reminder that indigo dyes natural fibers only. If you have something with a very small percentage of a synthetic – like under 10% – that’s probably fine.

There are a couple ways to prep fabric but one thing that indigo does NOT require, is a mordant. So…don’t do that. Feel free to google “mordant” for more info. Because I mostly dye with indigo, I don’t use mordants so I’m not the best person to ask about them.

For PFD (prepared for dyeing) fabric: Simply wash your fabric in your washing machine on the highest heat you think it can handle adding your regular detergent and Arm N’ Hammer Washing Soda. 

For wool or silk or regular (not PFD) fabric or thrifted clothes or regular clothes and, really, almost everything that isn’t PFD (some people would argue even PFD fabric should get this treatment but I think that’s overkill, please see the quote at the top of this page), a good scour will make your fabric more in the mood to be dyed. 

To scour fibers of any kind, bring a large pot of water to a boil then turn off the heat. Add a big squirt of Dawn Dish Soap and carefully add about a cup or so of Arm N Hammer Washing soda. The Washing Soda will increase the temperature of your water so it’s apt to boil over. I recommend adding it a little at a time.

Stir it up well and then add your fabric, opening it as you lower it in so more of the surface gets wet. Stir it every 15 to 20 minutes and leave it covered for at least an hour. Sometimes I just leave it overnight and let it cool. The water should be stinky and gross. If the water is dark brown, repeat the process. Otherwise, rinse your fabric well and you’re ready to rumble.

Please be careful not to felt wool!

If you normally use dryer sheets, DO NOT dry your prepped fabric in your dryer, just hang it to dry or don’t dry it at all. Drying it before dyeing isn’t needed and BOOM! you’ve cut down on your wait time. Get your hands in that vat!!!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Thinking Out Loud On The Blog

Kayak trip cancelled due to perfect weather.

The forecast called for rain and the trip required earlier than normal waking.  So when I did finally wake up and saw the forecast was wrong, the weather was perfect and we cancelled the trip for no reason, it was too late to get moving.  

But, looking on the positive side, I had some time to sit down and sew a bit.  
I finally finished that last quilt top square. 


Oh yes, you have to suffer through at least one gratuitous close up.

That's how much fabric was left over.  Not much.  

Which is another bummer because I need more fabric to make the squares all fit together.  
WHY did I make those napkins when this fabric told me it wanted to be a quilt?!?!?!?!?

I do love my napkins, though. 

Anyhoo, my lack of indigo dyed linen led to me making a bunch of silly looking piles of fabric under my smallest square to try and find something that worked.  This one is dyed light blue with indigo but has a print on it which might be distracting.

Linen lavender remnant of a jacket.  But also thicker than the other linen in the quilt.  Hmm.

A linen/cotton blend skirt.  Beige.  

Olivey-brown linen pants.

Linen shirt.

Other pair of linen pants, grey.

Hmm.  I guess I'm just thinking out loud on the blog here.  
I often get a different view of something after posting it here.  
The extra fabric I pick will also show up here and there between squares to make them fit together.  I'll let you know what I pick.  Either I make a point of it all being blue or I have another color peeking out here and there.  

Win win, I'd say.  

Sunday, August 4, 2013

She Caught Me

My life is changing.  Not in a bad way, at all.  I'm not done blogging either.  
I just have to figure how it all will fit together.

I've been having tons of fun.  I've started a website for our business.  I'm actually really proud of it because I know NOTHING about coding.  It was very confusing and weird but it doesn't look completely embarrassing.  

There's still more for me to do but at least it's a start.  

Yesterday, my daughter and I went to a "Drawing Jam" run by Lynda Barry, who is amazing.

That's her brain on the left and mine on the right.

It was a blast.  My daughter got to discuss her drawing with Lynda Barry,  

Here she caught me taking her picture.

I STILL haven't finished the last square of my quilt top but I'm close, just as close as I was last time I posted.  Today I finish our chicken coop, tomorrow I kayak.  

I just need time to sit down.  :)

Friday, July 26, 2013

Left Alone With the Dye Vat

It all started out so innocently...

We had all this indigo left over from our dyeing day and thought we'd knock some more out.

We were deep into experiment mode.

A little of this

A little of that.

Everything looked so awesome!

I'm starting to appreciate the hippy dippy tie dye look that really, as a Madison resident, I should like already.

Cuz it's dang pretty

Dang Pretty.  I mean that's just beautiful.
Then, Jennifer had to go home and I was left alone with the dye vat...
My conundrum was that I don't own any white napkins; I sew my own out of funky colored cotton and linen.  I had already dyed any of my light colored dishtowels.

Then I had this sudden realization:  I can always buy more undershirts!


I also threw some of my regular every day clothes in there.

This shirt was looking very faded and worn

Not any more.


And this white shirt was too sheer - I never wore it.  
Honestly, I only bought in the first place it because it's a large (the XL was too big) and I'm a sucker for vanity sizing.

That's ombre dyed, people.  Thanks to Tanya, I know how it works.

Perhaps I went overboard.  I started at about about noon.  It felt like I worked for an hour.  When I went into the house, it was 3:30.  No wonder I was so hungry.
I learned a ton about how indigo behaves and ways to tie things and about good ways to get different hues.
I love learning new stuff!! 
And I had the chickens for company.  

I did exactly this much to finish my linen quilt. So...basically nothing. 
Also, all my clothes are now blue. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Worth it!

I still haven't finished my quilt top.  But for a good reason!  We ran a test indigo dye class with friends.

We have dyed on our own but really want to share the fun with more people so we experimented on some of our friends

Don't we look organized?  
We happen to have amazing, creative and fabulous friends so it was bound to be fun even if we did everything wrong.


We set up a Shibori (tie dye) station.

When collecting scissors, marbles and other fun stuff starts to feel like work, I'll let you know.

To me it just looks like treasure.

Why else would I take a picture of rubber bands?

We had some Shibori half way put together to share some techniques.

There were samples to show and, because I just have to be me, library books for reference.  
The library is an amazing resource,.yo.


Then we were ready to get serious. 

This is about the time that Miranda (of Miranda Beyer Photography) started taking pictures.  You can tell which ones are hers because they are beautiful.  She specializes in newborn baby pictures but every picture she takes looks awesome, she has a great eye. 

I make my own Kombucha but I happened to have a bunch of Nessalla Kombucha for some guests.  I decided to forgo getting my bottle deposit back so we could use their growlers to tie fabric around. 

When I see what folks made using the bottles...

...all I can think...

Worth it!

We tied.

We dyed.

We untied.

We revealed and then...

...we smiled.

Check out these socks.

We were all in it together.  Here three people are undoing the shibori stuff because we can't wait to see...


This yarn is ombre dyed and knotted so that it achieves a kettle dyed look.  None of us quite knew how to do it but Tanya was willing and excited to experiment.

And it worked really well.

Here are three pieces made by a woman who said she wan't a crafty person.


What was she thinking?  Her work is awesome and creative.

Another woman who said the same thing.

I'll never believe them again!

Everyone felt really comfortable trying out new techniques.

Indigo is a great medium to play with.

A great and messy day was had by all.  We plan on offering an indigo dyeing class this fall in Madison WI.  You can follow us on Facebook and/or Twitter to get an announcement closer to the date if you're interested.

Now get out there and make a creative mess.  I will too.  I'm gonna finish that quilt top, dang it!
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